Friday 25 April 2014

Infinitive or gerund?

Here you will find a bunch of exercises to practice infinitives and gerunds.

Have fun!

Ex. 1
Ex. 2
Ex. 3
Ex. 4
Ex. 5

Friday 21 March 2014

For and against essay

Hi everyone,

I'm posting here the suggested answers to the exercises in the dossier.

Also please remember to have a look at page 85 in your book (7.2 WRITING - a discursive essay).

Wish you all the best.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Word formation exercises

Complete the table with the verb form of the nouns.

contribution -> contribute
explosion -> explode
intention -> intend
completion -> complete
creation -> create 
invasion -> invade

argument -> argue
development -> develop
government -> govern
arrangement -> arrange 
investment -> invest
treatment -> treat

defence -> defend
offence -> offend
occurrence -> occur
coincidence -> coincide 
existence -> exist
reference -> refer

reversal -> reverse
removal -> remove
disposal -> dispose
approval -> approve
survival -> survive 
proposal -> propose

closure -> close
signature -> sign
exposure -> expose
failure -> fail 
pleasure -> please
mixture -> mix

employee -> employ
payee -> pay
addressee -> address
divorcé -> divorce
interviewee -> interview 
trainee -> train

Sunday 16 March 2014

The remains of the day - Reading Guide (1)

Day One: Evening - Salisbury

We could say this chapter is divided in two parts, what are they?

Why does Steven stop the car after just twenty minutes of driving?

How does he describe the landscape he sees from the top of the hill?

When does he get to the guesthouse and what does he do next?

What brings him to reflect on the qualities that make a 'great' butler?

How does Stevens define 'dignity' and what three examples of dignity does he give?

Do you agree with Stevens's vision of 'dignity'? What do you think of the butlers in the three examples?

Sunday 9 March 2014


Here is the key to the LookBack Exercises for Unit 5


2 It has had a beneficial effect on the quality of life...
3 It's damaged family relationships.
4 It completely revolutionised the way people...


1 The game of - BASKETBALL was invented by:
(a) a teacher in America
(b) the Chinese general Zhao Tuo
(c) - prisoners of war in Korea.
2 Originally, basketball was played by throwing ... into a fruit basket.
(a) the first peach of the season
(b) a football
(c) - apples
3 WINDSURFING was first developed by:
(a) a Ukranian sailor
(b) an American
(c) the Head of the Australian Imperial Navy.
4 It was developed:
(a) in 14 BC.
(b) during the First World War
(c) in the 1960s.
5 SCRABBLE was developed by a former architect who was:
(a) unemployed
(b) the designer of the Eiffel Tower
(c) blind.

1 Supposing
2 would
3 could
4 would
5 are
6 will put
7 provided
8 put
9 were to
10 wouldn't
11 are
12 unless

advertise, promote, endorse
slogan, saying, phrase
make, brand, logo
persuade, manipulate, influence
advert, commercial, campaign

A It'd be great if we could have the class party at a four-star hotel.
B I think it's too ambitious and expensive. How do you feel about the school cafeteria?
C That doesn't grab me. How does Pizza Hut strike you?
A I think we're on the wrong track here. That's not elegant enough.
B OK. Suppose we try the Four Seasons or the Hilton?
A Yeah, I'm torn between the two, but the Four Seasons is closer.
C OK. Let's go with that.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Video about Nigerians

For those who couldn't read the subtitles or are interested in watching the video again, here it is:

Friday 21 February 2014

More grammar practice on articles - KEY

Hi everyone,

This is the KEY for the optional exercises on articles. Any questions? Just feel free to ask me in class. :)

Thursday 6 February 2014



Hi, everyone!

I've found this interesting worksheet from the BBC about "hole-in-the-wall" and productive compound adjectives. So you must definitely have a look.

Here's the link of the audio part.

And here's the link to the worksheet.

Now, my challenge for you is to share your own hyphenated adjectives for adjective 3 in the comments. Let's see who comes up with the most original one!

Friday 31 January 2014

Idioms online exercise


Here's an exercise for you to practise the idioms we've learnt in class. Enjoy!



Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
“So, are you completely certain that it was Nicole who you in the back?”
“Unfortunately, yes. I really thought she was my friend but I her in the act so I know it was her. I was waiting to meet with the professor, standing outside the door, and I heard her telling him that I was copying her. I was so embarrassed that I wished I could vanish into air, but I couldn’t leave because I had already arranged to meet with the professor.”
“What did he say when you met him?”
“Well, he told me that I was a young adult at college now and that I needed to my age. He told me that I had better get my quickly or he would see that I was disciplined. I tried to tell him that it was not true, and that I was doing my own work, but to no . He said he was disappointed because he had thought that I was the ball; that I was bright, enthusiastic. This made me feel sad.”
“What are you going to do? After all, the ball’s in your now.”
“There’s not much I can do really. But I do have one ace up my , because I’ve been helping Nicole, actually. And if anyone was copying, she was the one copying me. So, I will just not help her anymore, and he will see that my work stays the same and hers will probably get a lot worse.”
“Are you going to tell her you overheard what she told the professor?”
“No. I’d prefer not to. But I’m afraid, if I don’t, that she’ll keep bugging me to help her.”
“Well if you just keep telling her no, I’m sure she’ll eventually her own business and stop asking.”

“I haven’t seen Sophie and Todd for ages; I wonder what’s up with them. Have you heard from them lately?”
“Yes, I saw them last week. They’re fine; still alive and . You know they bought that new house, right? Well, it cost an and a and I think they’re just staying in and trying to save money for a while.”
“Oh, of course! That would explain it.”

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Money talk

Have a look at the KEY.

Know your idioms - 1

You'd better start acting your age and getting your act together. If you have one ace up your sleeve, maybe nobody will be able to stab you in the back. Before this post vanishes into thin air, have a look at the link. Now the ball's in your court.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Speaking Test Practice Texts

You know what they say, 'Practice makes perfect'. Though 'perfect' may be a little too much, practice is always good for whatever you try to achieve in life.
In order to help you get a great mark in your Speaking test, I'm posting these sample texts. Be warned! They're a bit longer than the ones you'll get in the actual exam and there are only Student A & B versions. If you're practising in groups of 3, the 3rd person can monitor the other two and give them feedback about what they did well or badly.
Remember, the 3 key words are:
- Fluent
- Structured
- Complete
 ...and keep your language in control at all times!

Wish you the best of luck!

Wednesday 15 January 2014

LISTEN AGAIN: Parkinson interviews Meg Ryan

Would you like to listen to Meg Ryan's interview again to dispel any remaining doubts? If so, here's the video for you to enjoy as many times as you wish.
Remember the words:
by choice
to give you an insight
wrap up

Narrative Tenses Exercise

Hello everyone,

Here's the link to the key to the exercises on narrative tenses.

See you!